Fall 2022
Congratulations to the Fall 2022 Pure Gold Award Recipients!
September 9, 2022
RESEARCH: Kelly Ylitalo
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health
"Kelly Ylitalo is an outstanding researcher who integrates teaching, research, and service in meaningful ways. She works with the Waco McLennan County Public Health District and Waco Family Medicine to assess health needs in underserved populations. Her findings are used by these partners to promote health and quality of life for those in need. Her students work with her on these projects and learn how to integrate research and service in ways that match their calling." —Eva Doyle
TEACHING: Christy Gantt
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Education, Department of Physical Therapy
"Dr. Gantt demonstrates excellence in teaching via leadership and student care for our Clinical Education courses. Leading a team of 1 faculty and 3 program managers, she facilitates clinical placements, educates clinical educators, and coordinates short-notice illness and emergency management for approx. 300 student placements per year. The impact has improved student feedback to where the Clinical Education Program and coursework in the Department of Physical Therapy is recognized as a true support to the students." —Brian Young
SERVICE: Nicole McAninch
Clinical Associate Professor in Child and Family Studies, Department of Human Sciences and Design
"In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Dr. McAninch works tirelessly to address unique student concerns. She uses amazing problem-solving skills to see that student needs are met while maintaining the integrity of her Child and Family Studies program. Her admin work requires a broad scope of expertise across varying fields of study and work. She keeps up with that beautifully and is able to mentor students well. She is a rock star!" —Karen Beck
September 23, 2022
RESEARCH: Michael Wiggs
Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation
"Dr. Wiggs is currently completing a NIH funded project. He had 3 publications accepted in 2022, with 3 more in review. He was awarded samples from the NASA Biospecimen Sharing program. He was recently selected for NASA's Spaceflight Technology, Application and Research (STAR) program for space biosciences training." —Dale Connally
TEACHING: Margo Shanks
Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Programs, Department of Public Health
"Margo Shanks creates excitement in the classroom by engaging students in hands-on projects and activities designed to address real-world problems. Her use of modern technology and social media as teaching tools causes students to ENGAGE! She is a warm and approachable instructor who helps students see how the world problems they care about can be addressed with their public health skills." —Eva Doyle
SERVICE: Tricia Blalock
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Health Science Studies, Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation
"In short, Dr. Tricia Blalock's light shines bright at Baylor University. This was most apparent in the spring of 2022 when she led members of Robbins College through the Christian Medical & Dental Association’s Faith Prescriptions course. This course focused on equipping healthcare professionals to share the love of Christ with patients and colleagues. Not only did she spearhead this life-giving work, but she faithfully led each of the 16 sessions. Thank you for living out Mathew 5:16!" —Casey Unverzagt
October 7, 2022
RESEARCH: Leigh Greathouse
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Sciences and Design
"Leigh is a leader in her department and Robbins, as is demonstrated by her success in funding her research program. Among other external and internal awards, Leigh is the PI of a DOD early career award and an NIH R15. She collaborates across campus and is always open to sharing her expertise and experiences with others to support their own research journeys. Leigh integrates undergraduate and graduate students into her research to further expand their learning experience and growth." —Renée Umstattd Meyer
TEACHING: Kelly Layne
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy
"Dr. Layne is a true testament to the principle of servant leadership. Kelly consistently goes over and above to ensure students have the tools and skills necessary to be agents of change in the ever-changing landscape of healthcare. Kelly continuously looks for ways to reach every student learner through innovation and compassion. Kelly never fails to lift her students and instill faith and kindness. She is an asset to Baylor and the entire OT community." —Jerilyn Callen
SERVICE: Chris Kuhl
Assistant Director of Advising and Graduation
"Mr. Kuhl is committed to making our students' experiences positive and successful. He is a role model for our advising team and works to support his students, the advising team with whom he works, his colleagues, and Baylor University. Each semester, he works tirelessly to certify our students for graduation. He has worked through many complicated situations with students and parents and has done so with grace and tact. Mr. Kuhl is a selfless servant who loves Christ, his students, and advising!" —Amanda Holland
October 21, 2022
RESEARCH: Alison Prahl
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
"Dr. Alison Prahl's recent NIDCD Early Career Research Award is one example of how she demonstrates excellence in research. Her research focuses on improving language and literacy outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Her work promotes independence for individuals with IDD through functional literacy training. Dr. Prahl helps students understand the connection between research and clinical practice through hands-on experiences on her research projects." —Kristen Muller
TEACHING: Brittany Perrine
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
"Dr. Perrine teaches an undergraduate course, Speech Science, and a graduate MS course, Voice Pathology. She has repeatedly received excellent student ratings for her teaching and her passion for the field. Her case- study design for her Voice class has made it highly applicable for our clinical students. Dr. Perrine is also an extremely talented research mentor, who has mentored undergraduate and graduate students in her Voice laboratory and inspired many students to pursue research in CSD." —Diane Loeb
SERVICE: Teresa Bachman
Clinical Associate Professor, Assistant Program Director, and Graduate Program Director, Department of Physical Therapy
"Dr Teresa Bachman has absorbed essential workload during the Department of Physical Therapy Chair transition and search, including DPT GPD, Curriculum Committee chair, and leading two virtual curriculum retreats. She concurrently chairs the Assessment Committee, participates in the Department Chair search, teaches a 3-credit class/94 students/9 faculty, and is working on her DHSc degree. Dr Bachman’s efforts allow other faculty to continue course builds, onboard new faculty, prep grants, and support students." —Brian Young
November 4, 2022
RESEARCH: Yang-Soo Yoon
Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
"Yang-Soo is an active researcher in CSD, who was recently awarded NIH funding to support his research program through an R15 (funded Fall 2021). The receipt of this award highlights the research potential for his department and Yang-Soo's own work to make a difference for those experiencing hearing loss. After receiving his award, Yang-Soo has continued to write, submit, and plan external NIH proposals to support the next phases of his research program." —Renée Umstattd Meyer
TEACHING: Emmanuel Akowuah
Lecturer and Internship Coordinator, Department of Public Health
"Dr. Emmanuel Akowuah constantly checks in on his students, both academically and personally. He sets time aside specifically for this. He also challenges his students to branch out and creates opportunities for them to really engage with and own the subject matter. He is a caring teacher and his passion for global health is evident." —Andrea Baker
SERVICE: Heather Hudson
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
"Mark 9:35 says: 'If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.' I know of no leader in Robbins College who better demonstrates this heart and conduct than Dr. Hudson. She demonstrates astonishing altruism as she chairs the Robbins College IPE Committee. She goes above and beyond what is asked of her, while simultaneously overflowing with grace amid mounting responsibilities. Her actions in front of the classroom and behind closed doors are beyond reproach." —Casey Unverzagt
November 18, 2022
RESEARCH: Shane Koppenhaver
Clinical Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Physical Therapy
“Shane is actively collaborating between PT and HHPR as the PhD advisor to two active-duty military PT PhD students. He is managing over $1.4M in DoD research grants across 3 protocols. And, he has authored/co-authored 14 publications in 2022 with numerous colleagues from Baylor PT and across the profession on topics ranging from hybrid education, to physical examination test validity, to treatment utilizing dry needling. Shane is truly showing how PT research can occur in hybrid R1 programs.” –Brian Young
TEACHING: Kelli McMahan
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
“Dr. McMahan is constantly looking to improve her students' learning both inside and beyond the classroom. She structures myriad projects and discussions around course material in outdoor leadership studies. She restructures her content every semester to include current research and breaking news in the industry. Off campus she provides transformative outdoor experiences for students, connecting them both with God's creation, and with oustanding professionals in the outdoor education world.” —Dale Connally
SERVICE: Karen King
Office Manager, Department of Human Sciences and Design
“Karen King is a great office manager in the department of Human Sciences and Design. She has a servant heart and always seeks to help the students, faculty, and other staff in the department thrive in their respective areas of service. She goes above and beyond for students and faculty by investing her time in the lives of many people.” —Jay Yoo
December 2, 2022
RESEARCH: Beth Lanning
Professor, Associate Chair, and Director of MPH Community Health, Department of Public Health
“Beth Lanning has been Principal Investigator or co-Investigator of multiple research and evaluation projects over the past 3 years, collectively totaling more than $1 million in direct costs. Her work on health and human flourishing highlights human-animal interactions for multiple populations and motivational interviewing techniques for people who have experienced sexual exploitation. She also connects researchers and brings in outside speakers to support the work of others.” –Kelly Ylitalo
TEACHING: Elise King
Associate Professor, Department of Human of Sciences and Design
“Professor Elise King integrates passion and expertise to create a stimulating class experience for her Interior Design students. Her focused approach immerses students in innovative learning strategies, where class activities represent real-world applications. Her organized and efficient approach to teaching guides students in achieving measurable success in practical, evidence-informed design and skill development. Her students view her as brilliant, encouraging, and invested.” —Sheri Dragoo
SERVICE: Michaela Ritter
Associate Dean for Undergraduate and International Studies, Robbins College
Associate Professor and Director of the Language and Literacy Clinic, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
“Dr. Michaela Ritter is someone that embodies what Baylor stands for—a Christian education. She leads by example and is truly a ‘servant leader!’ As long as I have known her, she has never wavered from being a Christian in all she does. She gives tirelessly and never complains—she does her work truly, ‘as unto the Lord.’ I can’t think of anyone better who deserves this Pure Gold Award. I am proud and blessed to call her not only a colleague, but a true sister in Christ!” —Rochelle Brunson