Pure Gold
The Robbins College Pure Gold initiative is an opportunity for College faculty and staff to be celebrated for excellence in teaching, research, service, and culture building.
Recipients of the Pure Gold Award are nominated by their peers (Robbins College faculty and staff members) in recognition of special achievements in the categories of teaching, research, service, and culture. Nominations are reviewed by the Pure Gold Review Committee, and award recipients are announced monthly by email and on the Pure Gold website. At the end of the academic year, award recipients will be invited to attend a special celebratory reception in their honor.
Nominate a Pure Gold colleague today!

Associate Professor, Department of Human Sciences and Design
"Dr. Yoo has had an incredible year in research. He received a One-URC grant and the Centennial Grant from the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. He recently had two papers accepted for publication in peer-reviewed impact-factor bearing journals, and has four more papers that are under review. He has worked tirelessly mentoring undergraduate students to ensure that they are also involved with the review process. I am happy to support Dr. Yoo’s nomination for this award." —Mickey Langlais

TEACHING: Carrie Drew
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
"Dr. Drew consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication to graduate and undergraduate students through the audiology clinic. She goes above and beyond to teach students how to effectively engage with clients who present challenging behaviors—often those who do not receive the necessary audiological evaluations. Her approach includes adapting testing methods to accommodate clients' needs and modeling how to connect with them on a personal level and actively coaching students to do the same." —Kristle Soto

SERVICE: Beth Lanning
Associate Chair and Professor, Department of Public Health
"Dr. Beth Lanning is an asset to Public Health and goes above and beyond to serve colleagues and students. She helps make sure all programs run smoothly and regularly advocates for others. Dr. Lanning’s roles include serving as the associate department chair, the MPH program director, leading the Baylor-Africa New Life Initiative, the fall health fair with Church Under the Bridge, and many more! She consistently takes on service and administrative tasks and works tirelessly to benefit others." —Kelly Ylitalo

CULTURE: Karen King
Office Manager, Department of Human Sciences and Design
"Ms. Karen King, our office manager for the HSD department, is dedicated to fostering a culture of faith, collegiality, and excellence within our department. She consistently goes above and beyond to create an environment where every individual feels valued and supported, exemplifying the principles of faith and mutual respect in all interactions. Her tireless efforts have made a profound impact, nurturing a spirit of belonging." —Jay Yoo